Sunday, February 27, 2011

Install Drupal 6 in AwardSpace

AwardSpace is a web hosting provider, to provide both free and paid services. In free hosting service a lot of people facing issues in drupal-6 installation. So they are switching the free hosting account to paid or switching drupal to other frameworks. So here I am trying explaining how to install drupal CMS in Awardspace web hosting server. Drupal 6 needs PHP5 for the installation.

For installing drupal, first download the installation files from Drupal site (drupal 6.20).Once you have downloaded Drupal and created an account in Awardspace, we need to upload the files to our Awardspace account. The easiest way to do this is using and FTP client, filezilla or other FTP client. Now you can install drupal. But before starting please check the PHP version that installed in your server. For checking go to PHP settings on the Web Manager of the Awardspace Control Panel, Make sure the PHP installed is PHP5 otherwise change the version to PHP5 (Some times they provide PHP4. If you have PHP4 then change it to PHP5). Otherwise this error might appear:

register_globals is enabled. Drupal requires this configuration directive to be disabled. Your site may not be secure when register_globals is enabled. The PHP manual has instructions for how to change configuration settings. (Currently using PHP register globals Enabled ('1'))

After changing PHP version, access your site through the browser. You will get a installation page on your browser. But some times it will throw an "500 Internal Server Error" but don't worry. To fix this, connect to your file manager from the Hosting Control Panel (or using your FTP client) and rename the .htaccess file in the drupal root directory to another name eg: .htaccess.old.

Then try again the install.php script, the page will let us access the install page. The first page is the Choose language screen where you can choose whether to install Drupal in English or another language.

You  can install Drupal 7 also with the same steps.


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