Friday, March 11, 2011

Drupal 8 developement begins

After the release of drupal 7 in earlier this year, drupal developers beginning to plan for new version, Drupoal 8. In annual DrupalCon conference this week, Drupal founder Dries Buytaert detailed what lessons were learned in the Drupal 7 development process and how those lessons will be applied to Drupal 8. 

Drupal is among the most popular open source content management system in use. Thousands of websites uses drupal. Major sites like Mozilla, NASA, and among others used drupal for their sites.
Development is now beginning on Drupal 8 and Buytaert is restructuring the project to ensure that the lessons of Drupal 7 are not forgotten. Dealing with bugs is one of Buytaert's top priorities.
"At no point in time will there be more than 15 critical bugs," Buytaert said. "I will not pull in a big change if we know there are known bugs. This gives us the ability to do timely releases because we know at most the release is only 15 critical bugs away from being ready."
"The biggest risk to Drupal is getting so big that we become slow," Buytaert said. "Our ability to be open to change, accept change and be agile is key." 

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